SimplyLinux (SL)

Hi, this is home of SimplyLinux (SL), a Linux Mini-distro. You can use SL at home, at work, while you are doing your cooper, at dinner, any where !!! Oh Lord, it's amazing !!! SL run on a single floppy, giving you total control over those damn machines...

SimplyLinux features:

  1. One floppy boot/root images
  2. Linux 2.4.22 with support for IDE HDD, Floppy and CD-ROM (No TCP/IP)
  3. Most common Unix tools (using BusyBox)
  4. It's simple !

To use SimplyLinux you need an ix86 PC or compatible, a 3 1/2" floppy drive, a floopy disk, some common Linux programs (see on


SimplyLinux 1.0 (1353356 bytes)


Welcome to Simply Linux (SL)

Author: Mateus Caruccio <caruccio at>
Copyright: GPL
version: 1.0

Some scripts on was taken from DLX Linux:


SL is an one-floppy-initrd based linux system, using BusyBox
( and an initrd image. With this you can have
a PC without hard drive, network enabled, to make some basic
stuffs, like ping another host (this what I use for), format
your HDD, impress your friends, etc...

SL is based on 2.4.22 kernel, with the following net drives:

3c503.o  8139too.o  dmfe.o  eepro100.o  mii.o  ne2k-pci.o
3c505.o  8390.o     e100.o  lance.o     ne.o   tulip.o


** You must be root to perform all this operations **

First, you need to unpack the files you just downloaded. Probably
it's named SL-1.0.tar.gz (the version may vary). Move it some
place (I will use /tmp) and unpack it:

# mv SL-1.0.tar.gz /tmp
# cd /tmp
# tar xzvf SL-1.0.tar.gz

A directory (SL) will be created on local dir. Change to it

# cd SL
# pwd

This is the root dir for SL.

To build a bootable distro, just put a floppy disk on fd0 and type:

# ./ all

Voilá, reboot your PC and have fun.

The boot disk is made of two different parts:

- A root disk, loaded into RAM (on /dev/ram0) and mount as / after
  kernel booting

- A boot image with network modules;

Here is the aspect your floppy will (logically) be:

 +- Sector 0 (zero)
| Kernel Image |     Conpressed Root Image         |

When the floppy boot, it load the compressed root image into main memory,
uncompress it and mount it as the root (/) directory. After mount, it
execute a file called /linuxrc (our /sbin/init).

Creating a root image

A root image is a file with a functional File System, with all needed
applications to run our distro. On SL, the root image is made on
directory ./root

To create a root image type:

# ./ root

The image will be named root.imz. Later, it will be place right after kernel
image inside the floppy.

Creating your own root image with your own configuration

SL comes with 2 default configuration files to BusyBox version 1.00-pre3
and 0.60.3 named .config-busybox-1.00-pre3 and Config-busybox-0.60.3.h

To know how to compile BusyBox, go to and RTFM (Read the
Fine/Fucking Manual). After compiling it properly, you should install all
files to /tmp/SL/root

# make PREFIX=/tmp/SL/root install

After this, create the root image again as show above.

Creating a boot image

ALERT: I suppose you know how to compile a kernel and install modules. If
don't, stop here and read the file named /path/to/linux/source/README (usualy

If you want to use other kernel than that supplied with SL, you could use
a basic .config, located on ./kernel dir. just copy it to /usr/src/linux-X.X.X/
and "make menuconfig dep modules bzImage" ass you always do.

All modules (if any) must be on /tmp/SL/kernel/modules directory. The dir
struct will be something like this:

                   - modules

To install your new modules, you could use:

# make INSTALL_MOD_PATH=/tmp/SL/kernel/modules/ modules_install

CAUTION: ALL FILES ON /tmp/SL/kernel/modules WILL BE LOST !!

If you created a new kernel (with make bzImage), and whant to use it on your
disk, just copy it to /tmp/SL/kernel/ like this:

# cp /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage /tmp/SL/kernel/

If you prefer, just create a link (bzImage) to your new kernel:

# ln -sf /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage  /tmp/SL/kernel/bzImage

To create your boot image, just type:

# ./ boot

Now you have a distribution in a floppy. Reboot you PC and have fun.

Remember that to create your boot disk, you must first create the root image.

Directories structure

SL/                          Root distribution directory.
+- Config-busybox-0.60.3.h   Config for BusyBox 0.60.3
+- .config-busybox-1.00-pre3 Config for BusyBox 1.00.pre3
+- README                    This file.
+-            Script who create root and boot images.
+- kernel/                   Contain all kernel related stuff.
|   |
|   +- .config-2.4.22        Used .config for 2.4.22 kernel.
|   |
|   +- bzImage               Link for a kernel (who will be used on image).
|   |
|   +- linux-2.4.22          Kernel used on image (the real file).
|   |
|   +- modules/              lib/modules/<KERNEL_VERSION> structure used on
|                            root disk (install all modules here).
+- root/                     Root directory to root image. Contain a minimun
                             Linux system.